The easiest way to get to know a space is to dance in it. So today I am exploring my new home pre-furniture. I hadn't noticed the texture of the floor, just how tiny the space is in between the counter and fridge (didn't include that video- picture me trying to fit into a space that is much too small), or the size of the tiles in the bathroom. Moving in a space allows me to become much more aware of the rest of my senses- how something feels- how it looks at different angles and levels, how it smells when your face is super close to it. I also become aware of the music of the space. For me dance has so much musicality- I am listening, and when there is no music- I hear the sounds of the space.
A year ago today, I started this blog with the intention of having a daily improvisation session. My goal was to make exploration a habit, and I believe I have accomplished that goal. While I haven't always been able to record every exploration, I have approached this past year with the process in mind. I have questioned, explored, discovered, and started from the beginning all over again. I have shifted my focus from goals and finished products to what I can learn along the way. I have learned that life is best lived through improvisation- to run with the ideas that inspire me, and leave alone the ones that don't. When I first moved to Houston I was concerned with building my resume. I wanted to sprint- to do everything I could, as fast as I could. I think this blog became something I never expected. It gave me a different way to approach my work- through the lens of experimentation versus a mentality of right or wrong or the best. I have always been taught the importance of technique in dance, the importance of class and maintenance. I think what I really needed was to let go of what dance has been to other people, and to find out what it could be to me. To leave the classroom and the rigors of daily technique classes, and find out what it means to be alone in a space, to find my impulses, and my voice. I look forward to the next 286 days of dance and what I will discover along the way! Three back to back improvisation sessions done in my living room. To be honest, I can't recall the motivation behind the first session. The second one was the idea of redirecting, a term Erin Reck used in her master classes at Rice this week that really resinated with me. The last was the idea of the pinky finger initiating movement. About half way through that I thought about my downward focus or internal focus when I dance- I need to start paying attention to that. Enjoy.
Venturing Out: City Dance Studio The lovely Jhon Stronks agreed to play with me today in my showing at Venturing Out. While I moved, jhon commentated on what he saw- avoiding any value statements. He shared descriptions of movement, costuming, facial expressions, and our relationship to each other. I found it very difficult to not let his statements impact my improvisation. I know that several of the audience members wished they had been able to respond to his comments. I hope that this will one day become a full length show- I am interested in creating a dialogue on perspective. Everyone brings a different point of view to the table. I apologize for bad sound quality. It was recorded on the family Ipad. Even though you can't always hear him, jhon was amazing! Today there are four different improvisations strung one afte. The first one focuses on body language and emotional responses. The second video is sped up and was motivated by the word flick. The third video is gliding, and the last video is working on mobilizing my lower back and pelvis. |
PurposeThis is a blog of processes. Through the sharing of media and writing I am following my impulses, teasing out and unpacking, translating, solidifying, and making concrete my investigations into something that can be shared. Archives
February 2018